Call for Abstracts: Great Plains Sociologist Special Relaunch Issue

Call for Abstracts

Submit Proposals for Special Relaunch Issue

Great Plains Sociologist – Disparities and Inequities on the Great Plains and Beyond

The Great Plains Sociological Association is publishing a special “relaunch” issue of Great Plains Sociologist focused on current and emerging research addressing disparities.  We are particularly interested in research and practice related to disparities in educational and health outcomes in the Great Plains geographical area, but welcome abstracts addressing other disparities.

Our goal is to develop a well-designed, high-quality resource to increase understanding about significant long-term inequalities that have had profound impacts on peoples, communities, and institutions in the Great Plains; to present data supporting emerging promising practices that can be adapted by those committed to change; and to set the stage for future research. Our hope is that this issue will become a valued resource for policy makers, practitioners, and researchers concerned with addressing these inequalities.  This issue will also serve as an official relaunch of Great Plains Sociologist after a reorganization and pandemic hiatus.

Please email Dr. Mary Emery (South Dakota State University) if you should have any questions about this issue.

Publication Schedule

Great Plains Sociologist Special Issue – Disparities and Inequities across the Great Plains & Beyond

Action Proposed Date
1.     Request for participation to GPSA, AACS, MSS, and other organizations 3/1/21
2.     Submit abstract proposals (150 to 300 words) using this link by… 5/31/21
3.     Acceptances sent 6/15/21
4.     Papers due 10/15/21
5.     Manuscript review: Each author will review one to two anonymized papers in the collection along with editorial board members and special editors 10/15/21 – 12/1/21
6.     Publication of special issue target date 12/31/21